Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Parents.

Theres always someone who has it worse.
You should be greatful for everything you have. Why do you want more?
Your so spoiled.
Want, need. Thats all you ever think about.
Thats all you ever think about.
All these things I hear from other people around me. Typically parents. Except they seem strangely foreign to me. My mom and dad used to always give me anything I wanted. When we could afford it. I never really got lectures on wanting things I dont need. My parents thought wanting was needing. If you really want it you'll get it. Except what happens when you start buying everything you want? What happens when you lose your job? What happeneds when you run out of money? What happens when you lose your house?
If you think about it, getting everything you want can really make you unhappy. You know?
When you go for something over and over and over again and every time in your mind all your thinking is this is what I want. I need it. And then its really not what you expected. Its value is lost. Worthless. You didnt work for it. It was just so easy you didnt even notice it really. So how can you really be pleased?

1 comment:

Lorita said...

Yes, I agree!!! You should always be grateful for all the gifts of life.