Sunday, May 17, 2009


I just had the greatest urge to write something. So I just wrote my essay for Thompsons class but now I really dont feel like writing. Soo Im writing a blog about not wanting to be writing at the moment, which Im doing. Uhhh Im going to go swimming laterrrrr!!

Im Going

To just stay home today.. I really dont think I can handle doing stuff. Im just going to be lazy and play mario and work on the project. Yay for lazyess lol

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Who Are You?

Who are you? This is a question that I think just about everyone asks themselves. Who am I? I cant tell you who I am. Im still figuring this all out. The harder I try the more confused I am. I always want to be this kind of person, but Im not. Im me. Wow ramblingg lol

Right and Wrong

How do you really decide right from wrong? Ive been noticing lately that people have been pushing me to doubt what I have learned. I mean like my mom and teachers have been saying to 2nd guess things, like things that we are shown in the media or taught. But its making me think about everything. Like how can you tell right from wrong? Things that seemed so simlpe arent. And things that are complicated just get more complicated. Its so confusing!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Beauty is something all girls want. I dont know about guys but for girls there is always pressure to be beautiful. If you too skinny people call you anorexic. If your to big your fat. If your boobs or butt arent big enough then your called manily. If you wear to much make up your trying to heard but if you wear none you dont take care of yourself.. Who makes up all these rules? Why is there such a fine line between beauty and ugliness? Why is it when guys notice you all they see is physical? Why cant they see what I see? I think all everyone is unique in there own ways. Unique is beautiful. Why cant they see that. I found someone that sees it in me. Not everyone can though. Why is it so hard to see?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Star trek

Is amazing. Not to metion the guy is the prettiest man I have ever seen in my life. Ohhh boyyy!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Have you ever done something you knew was wrong but you didnt care? You know that it was really mean and would hurt someones feelings who cares about you but you do it anyways? You feel guilty but at the same time you still dont regret it? You wish it was just okay... At the same time though you realize your settling for something you dont want? Yeahh..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just thinking

Its weird how within an hour your feelings can change. Or that months of building up something can be destroyed in seconds. Its sad to see something beautiful fall apart and watch it happen.

Mountain Mikess

I thought working woulb be fun but it really isent.. I mean I like that I can help my mom out by paying for stuff I need now but I hate that its so boring! 4-5 hours a day of nothing. I know it sounds weird but Id rather be working than just sitting there. No one comes in to eat! And when they do like half the time they're drunk or really mean. But yesterday I got my first tip :D

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Pi= 3.14

So I was really stressing about finishing the book Life of Pi for english but now that I finished it I feel like I have nothing to do. I mean like a book to read when I have an extra 30 minutes to just chill before going out. The book was okay. I expecdited it to be better than it actually was. Although I do feel like I missed a lot of the important sybalisms that were in it because I was so set on getting it done on time. Oh welll..

I forgot about Blogging

Im sooo sick of all the music I listen too! I need something different! I hate hearing all these song over and over again. I like a lot of different kinds of music but I just dont know what else to get. Like Ill hear a song but then I forget the name of the song or cant remember the artist it makes me so mad!